By February 20, 2022, I had spent (wasted) the better part of a month listening to a never ending stream of half-truths and sheer nonsense.
Of course, nothing highlighted a month of this more than being called a “mother—–” repeatedly when I had concerns as to Stephen Major’s choice of a panel for a show I had created called Cryptid(s) Tank.
On that particular day, a Sunday of all days, I realized the lies, half truths, nonsense and being called a “mother——” and a “son-of-a-bitch,” by Stephen Major reached over the line when I received the following email from Stephen T. Major of Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC.

There are number of questionable details about this correspondence. First of all, this has nothing to do with the disclosure of information.
If he wasn’t in a hurry to steal my creation Cryptids Tank from me, why did he have to send me an email on Sunday morning?
Why Would I Need To Sign An NDA For My Own Show?
What this document does is it assigns me not as an equal partner in the Cryptid Tank Enterprise, instead, it assigns me a legal identity as an independent contractor.
At no time have we ever discussed my role, my compensation or my percentage of the show.
Stephen Major lists Cryptid Tank with his Crypto Coin and all of it under Extreme Expeditions LLC, when it is not his show to begin with.
He lists me as an independent contractor, yet I have no contract. I haven’t received and will receive no compensation or reimbursement for hundreds in expenses I have already outlaid.
I will not be compensated for the hundreds of hours I have already devoted to this project.
The only reason he lists me as an independent contractor is it is the only way for him to say I was working for him when I came up with my idea.
That way he is entitled to all royalties etc. without ever having to pay me a dime.
Stephen Major Lists Me as Producer and Writer, Not Creator
Stephen Major is making double sure he is going to garner any royalties, and he has all the licensing rights.
For Stephen Major to promise to divulge information that he doesn’t have, in return for me signing away my rights to my intellectual property (Cryptid(s) Tank) is highly inappropriate.

Finally, Stephen Major, a guy who is supposed to be in charge, doesn’t even know, or check the correct spelling of my name.

I Should Have Known Better
Anyone who has seen my Documentary on Vimeo, Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival Press Pass is quite familiar with the history between Stephen Major and me.
For some reason, that fateful day in January of 2022, a little over six months since his last dirty deed, a little over a month ago now, I returned Stephen Major’s call.
Cryptid Crypto Or Crooked Crapto?
When I returned Stephen’s call, he told me was introducing a Crypto Currency called Cryptid Coin.
What prompted me to do it? Esoterically, I thought I should be a good Christian and try to forgive and forget.
In reality, I thought his idea about Cryptid Coin and the idea behind it sounded pretty good.
According to Stephen, I would be compensated with these Cryptid Coins if I agreed to act as the Washington Spokesman and do a commercial.
I did a lot more than that.

I had Stephen on Encounters USA to talk about his coin.
I had to drive to Spokane at my own expense to write and film a commercial.
I gave up all work on my political campaign.

I gave up all work on my documentary about Bigfoot Hunting with Igor Burtsev.
I gave up my scheduled interviews on Books in Heinessight.
In a meeting in Spokane, Stephen told another party and me there would be a big release Cryptid Coin on February 12.
The Beginning of Cryptids Tank
At the meeting,I suggested for the first time that I planned on documenting Tom Sewid’s application process.
That was the beginning of Cryptids Tank.
I went home and wrote a blog.
Knowing Stephen Major, in that blog, I made it clear that I was the creator of the show Cryptids Tank.
I made Cryptid Coin merchandise and posted it to as many sites as I had time for.

On February 12, I got a call from Stephen.
He didn’t want to talk about the coin, even though it was the day it was being “released.”
I assumed it had done nothing so I started talking about how I wanted to document Tom Sewid’s application.
I explained to Stephen if we could bring attention to the coin, it would go up in value.
Cryptids Tank is Born
From that point, I pointed out we could make a game show out of it.
Tom Sewid could appear before a panel and we would call it Cryptid Tank.
From that point on, the only time I have heard any mention of Cryptid Coin was when I told Stephen when the show goes up the coin goes up.
He said that we think alike…
I knew the coin was doing nothing.
Suddenly, Stephen became all interested in the show.
When I told him my ideas about the show Cryptids Tank, he agreed.
I interviewed Thomas Sewid on my podcast Encounters USA to promote Cryptids Tank.

When I started discussing my ideas of who we should get for a panel, and that I need to find people so knew we wouldn’t be relying on him, he said he had it taken care of.
That’s when he started going into his tirade.
Yet, there was never any more than one person on the panel.
“No Show.”
Over the course of time I heard:
Cliff Barackman (Finding Bigfoot) was talking about doing the show.
Later: I think Cliff Barackman might do the show.
I’m gonna make you so rich.
I’ve been talking to so many influencers. I just can’t tell you right now who they are.
Ken Gerhard is going to be the spokesman for Cryptid Coin.
We’re going on a diving expedition in Lake Iliamna Alaska (glacier run-off). In a wet suit – really?
I need you to come here for a meeting. There’s some people I want you to meet.
The Anti-Social Network
If you’ve ever seen the movie, The Social Network, or the TV show American Greed, I think you have a pretty good idea what Stephen Major had planned for this meeting in Spokane he just had to have.
For some reason however, Stephen couldn’t wait until Thursday, February 24.
That’s when he insisted I had to drive back to Spokane for another of his meetings.
Instead, Stephen Major just had to send me an email.
An email which clearly puts his grubby little hand trying to pick out of my intellectual property cookie jar.
Obviously, we have reached what I would like to call a Spokane Standoff. That’s a Mexican Standoff with a knife already in your back.
It’s really unfortunate the people have to be the way they are, as a friend of mine just told me.
I really like Stephen on a personal level. On a business level is another story.

Written & Ready 2 Go
I just want everyone to know Cryptids Tank (cryptidstank.com, cryptidstank on Facebook) is down but it is in no way out.
In spite of the drama of dealing with Stephen Major, I actually wrote the script for the first two shows.
All I need is an investor or two with some financial integrity and the ability to agree to a 35/65 split on the profits.
Then, we need a panel, and a few researchers that want to win some Big Cryptid Research Bucks.
If that happens, it will be the best show on television.
If not, I got called a “mother——” and a “son-of-a—–” and experienced a string of B.S. that will be hanging from here to Spokane until the spring thaw, for absolutely nothing.

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.