The newly released Vimeo documentary, Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest by Extreme Expeditions LLC out of Spokane Washington is breath of fresh air when it comes to Bigfoot documentaries.
Encounters USA has had the opportunity over the past two weeks to take a closer look at the material Stephen T. Major of Extreme Expeditions LLC has been producing and they seem to look pretty good.

Let me first confess ignorance to what Stephen was doing with his Extreme Expeditions Northwest LLC, a company which is dedicated to producing irrefutable proof of the Sasquatch species.
Second, let me also confess that I have no financial interest in what Stephen T. Major is doing with Extreme Expeditions and I am not profiting in any way from this post.
With the exception that you are reading this blog and review and hopefully learning something new, of course.
Lastly, let me confess that were I to be asked to accompany Stephen T. Major on any of his Extreme Expeditions, I would have my things packed before I hung up the phone. I think Stephen and his band of merry men and women have it going on.
If a little a– kissing can get me on an Extreme Expeditions project, I’ve got a whole thing of chapstick.
So this is not just a review of Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest.
It’s a review of a group of researchers and their approach to hunting Bigfoot. It’s an approach that I happen to agree with, for the most part.
Burning Bigfoot Bridges
Let’s get some things out of the way first. I don’t agree with everything Stephen does and this one area I think he could work to improve.
The fact is, you cannot watch much of Stephen T. Major’s Bigfoot Hunting material online without hearing a summary of why Extreme Expeditions is different than your usual Bigfoot media productions.
In fact, in the words of Stephen T. Major, his objective in finding conclusive evidence of Bigfoot is to put the Bigfoot TV shows out of business.
“They’re always close to finding Bigfoot but they never find Bigfoot…”
Of course, there are few loftier or nobler goals than putting the Bigfoot TV productions on the public dole.
However, I would almost argue the people who are keeping the public spotlight on the hunt for Bigfoot are doing a great service.
Unlike Stephen Major, I think the Bigfoot shows are doing an even bigger service by not trying to find Bigfoot, rather they are searching out that corporate sponsorship worth millions.
That keeps you watching and buying and them advertising while making mucho dinero.

Cascade Bigfoot
Before we jump off into our review, a little about Bigfoot in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, Canada and Idaho.
This region is some of the most inaccessible wilderness in the world.
Rugged majestic mountains, triple canopy vegetation and forests that extend hundreds of miles. Like much of Washington State, it’s a jungle with big mountains.

Since starting Encounters USA, I have made dozens investigations in a number of areas from the Snoqualmie Valley to Baker Lake, just south of the dormant Mt. Baker volcano.
I’m still working on more sightings and Encounters, west of the Cascades. Colville is east of the Cascade chain that separates Eastern and Western Washington.
The Bigfoot Highway
Just imagine the northern third of Washington State as an inaccessible No Man’s Land split in half by massive mountain peaks.

In my experiences, the road called Washington Highway 20 is really the Bigfoot Highway. That Highway extends all the way to Colville in Stevens County in the eastern Cascades. What’s so important about Colville?
Bue Who Is On The Expedition Team?
You know who. It’s Amy Bue. I have seen two Extreme Expeditions. I saw In Search of the Port Chatham Hairy man and this one. In each documentary, Stephen Major had an accompanying biologist.

Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest featured Amy Bue, an investigator from Ohio. Amy is a teacher who works with a number of zoology and animal awareness groups.
She’s also a member of the Olympic Project. The Olympic Mountains in Washington State where I grew up have their own unique Sasquatch stories.
Amy brought an open mind and was not there to serve as the on site skeptic. She gave honest appraisals of what she saw.
Beans Baxter
Beans Baxter, who some will recall from the Port Chatham Hairy Man movie. Others from my interview about his book Abandoned: The Horror and History of Port Chatham, Alaska is also featured prominently in the documentary.
Will Ulmer’s Research
The basis for the location was local resident Will Ulmer. Ulmer related a number of experiences he has had in the area and they are somewhat disturbing. A creature approached his tent one night and tried to smash it down from the top.
A good portion of the movie centers around Will Ulmer’s ability to track and identify potential Sasquatch trails. They produced at least one plaster of a narrow 13″ footprint.
During the investigation a number of bear tracks were seen, which contrasted with what Will Ulmer seemed to be identifying as Sasquatch.

Refutable Evidence
As much as the investigation started with all the confidence of finding the evidence they were looking for, what they did find was dubious at best. Anyone could have argued about the footprints or torn bark on a tree.
There are other explanations for so-called structures made out of dead trees with or without roots.
All of this evidence is easily refutable as something other than what the Extreme Expeditions team accepted it as.
What cannot be refuted is that they were all there, in the same location, along with something else.
Irrefutable Evidence
Anyone viewing the documentary is going to see something amazing. Everyone who watches Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest is going to come away with their own ideas about what happened on the Expedition and what evidence was discovered.
I believe in Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest, we found evidence Bigfoot likes a good prank or two, too.
After watching the movie, I came away with an appreciation for the Sasquatch community outside of Colville, Washington.
Here’s why:
- Imagine that an individual Sasquatch has the intelligence of a primate, homo sapiens, or above.
- The Sasquatch clan knew Extreme Expeditions was there.
- It would have taken little time to determine they were not hunters.
- The Sasquatch would have known they were hunting for something.
- It wouldn’t take a lot of intelligence for the Sasquatch to realize Extreme Expeditions were hunting for them.
- For the Sasquatch clan, it was game on.
By the end of the movie it is obvious who won that round.

Score: Bigfoot 21 Extreme Expeditions 3
To conclude this review of Extreme Expedition’s 2019 Colville and Stevens County extravaganza, I would like to quote someone somewhere in the movie. I believe Stephen said something like, “We added more evidence to our understanding of Bigfoot.”
I believe in Bigfoot Encounters in the Pacific Northwest, we found evidence Bigfoot likes a good prank or two, too.
In Heinessight
Nevertheless, with the benefit of Heinessight, I think I saw a few areas in the documentary that need further investigation. I hope the next time Stephen T. Major fires up the Extreme Expeditions mobile, the Encounters USA ‘Yoda is right behind.
Lastly, I could not do this review of the movie without acknowledging the amazing video work and drone footage of Martin Media. The excellent drone, video and camera shots of the forests, lakes and other scenery alone make the movie worth watching.
Nice work Extreme Expeditions. We all can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
If you’re out in the woods with Stephen T. Major
Watch Your Back!

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.