Are you Bigfoot Hunting or looking for the Paranormal? Now’s your chance to check out the latest equipment on Encounters USA.
Encounters USA Is Bringing Listeners and Subscribers More
Encounters USA is stepping up its paranormal investigations game this summer. In order to give you cutting edge podcasts, investigations and reviews, we have made a number of equipment upgrades.
In this podcast, we are going to tell you about our equipment upgrades. We are going to explain why we chose each piece of equipment and we are going to give you a demonstration of what each piece of equipment does.
Today we are going to be conducting field tests of:
The Shure MV7 Podcast Microphone

When you feel like Bigfoot Hunting Check Out The Latest Equipment On Encounters USA

DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Combo
We are also going to be running tests on some of our older Equipment
Paddleski 435 Inflatable Pontoon Boat

Ion Pathfinder 2
Ion Pathfinder II Rugged Bluetooth Portable Speaker

Shure vs. Audio Technica Microphone
So, our first test is going to be a comparison between our old microphone, an Audio Technica XLR microphone and the Shure MV7.
As you listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube video, you are going to see what a difference the MV7 makes in creating a much better podcast sound.
Thanks to our new Shure microphone, you can count on some of the best sounding podcasts and YouTube videos in the world of the Paranormal.
Field Testing the iPhone 12 Pro Max
While we’re out on Baker Lake we’re going to put the iPhone 12 pro Max Camera through its paces in a variety of different modes.

Dji’s Osmo Gimbal IOS Version
Using our iPhone 12 Pro Max, we’re going to try out the Osmo 3 Gimbal from DJI. This is not going to be a studio demonstration. This is a real life demonstration in the field where it’s going to be used.
FLIR ONE Pro – iOS – Professional Grade Thermal Camera for Smartphones
If you’re looking for the paranormal, it’s going to be necessary to see what’s lurking in the dark. We’re going to see if the FLIR One Pro is able to bring some light on what’s out there.

Bigfoot Sounds IOS App
No whooping in the woods for Encounters USA. We have a large Pathfinder speaker to belt out simulated whoops and cries for miles. Will the Bigfoot Calls App be effective? Find out on the podcast and blog.
Encounters USA is definitely stepping up its game to bring you the best YouTube videos and podcasts. Of course the blog isn’t half bad either.
When you feel like Bigfoot Hunting Check Out The Latest Equipment On Encounters USA
Until next time,
Watch Your Back!!!

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.