Filming Cascade Bigfoot Chewelah Triangle in the Cascade Mountains was not as easy as it looks.
Cascade Bigfoot Chewelah Triangle An Insider Look Behind The Scenes Starts with a simple statement that applies to most of my film making ventures. A lot of things went wrong during the filming of the movie. So much so I didn’t think I had a movie to begin with. When I saw what I had captured in editing, I was thankful a lot more went right on camera, than went wrong during pretty much everything else.
A Lot More Than Meets The Eye – A Spine Tingling Sensation

Just like the hot, dry dust on the mountain roads around Chewelah, there is a lot more that meets the eye in Cascade Bigfoot Chewelah Triangle than can be mentioned in the space of this blog.
One thing that may be apparent to a lot of viewers while watching the movie in the few scenes I appeared on camera, I am stooped over. The cause of my inability to stand, walk, drive or even move without severe back pain was the result of sitting in my truck in Darrington, Washington doing absolutely nothing.
It was then the lower part of my spine felt like it was dissolving. Shooting pain went through my body. I could do nothing but sit there, helpless in line at an espresso stand, hoping the pain would subside enough for me to shift gears and move forward.

Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?
It was then, I had to make a critical decision. I had originally planned to film in June, but since I was running for US Congress at the time, I thought it might be better to wait until after the Primary Election.
That meant I had a window of one or two weeks in August to do my filming and interviews. I decided I had to push on to Chewelah, excruciating pain and all, or not do the documentary this year.
Bruce Trott And KS Brooks – The Plot Thickens
Another behind the scenes tidbit was the slight plot twist that evolved once I entered the editing process. Watching the interviews with Bruce Trott of the Chewelah Bigfoot Research Team and KS Brooks, the local award winning editor and newspaper reporter, I saw two great interviews with one problem.

Bruce Trott And KS Brooks – The Plot Twists
Originally, Bruce Trott was going to be the featured interview of the movie. In fact, it was during the Bruce Trott interviews when he mentioned a reporter I needed to speak with.
Originally, I was not sure what exactly KS Brooks would have to contribute to my Squatchumentary, but, I thought it made add a definite air of credibility to the documentary.
Another Natural Story Teller Adds Mystery To The Mix
When I set up and turned the cameras on, KS Brooks, an author herself, lit up the screen with her lively accounts and experiences, all the while maintaining a level of objectivity.
By that I mean, she was more convincing of there being a Bigfoot in her attempts to be objective and repeatedly say, ”I just don’t know.”

Back To Little John & The Bigfoot Forest.
The experiences at Trott’s Ridge, along with the interviews from Bruce Trott, KS Brooks and Will Titus in Chewelah were enough solid evidence to establish Chewelah as the souther tip of the Chewelah Triangle.
In the last part of the movie, I knew I needed to go to the northern boundaries of the Chewelah Triangle to reestablish my base camp at Mystery Lake and revisit Little John of the Bigfoot Forest to see what his reaction to the blood Igor Burtsev and I found in our tent in Cascade Bigfoot Blood Mystery.
When you watch Cascade Bigfoot Chewelah Triangle, you can see what new activity has occurred in the Bigfoot Forest and what it’s like living with Bigfoot.
Cascade Bigfoot Blood Mystery is available on Amazon while Cascade Bigfoot Chewelah Triangle is available on your favorite streaming service.

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.