This is where you’ll find Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 71-80.
However, if you’re looking for other podcast episodes just scroll to the bottom of the page.

Episode 71
Rich Germeau On Bigfoot Politics in Washington State Part 1
Today on Encounters USA Rich Germeau On Bigfoot politics in Washington State Part 1.
Encounters USA went to the Olympic Peninsula to speak with one of the first guests of our brand new podcast just over a year ago. We will talk to Rich Germeau, former policeman, deputy sheriff and Bigfoot researcher and experiencer.
In this first part, we will talk to Rich Germeau about the politics of Bigfoot, the Deep State and the corruption rampant in Washington State.
In the upcoming elections, Encounters USA host Matthew Heines is running as an Independent candidate. He’ll be doing so in the 1st Congressional District of Washington State. This district is the Bigfoot capitol of the United States as far as sightings and experiences.
Will Encounters USA and our search for truth help or hinder Matthew Heines in his election bid? In the second half, we will talk about Seattle, the occupation of Capitol Hill and who is really pulling the strings.
Rich Germeau will talk about his police experience and comment on what he thinks happened the day a violent felon was killed for passing a counterfeit bill in a public execution. Was it the deep state? DOn’t miss a second of this amazing podcast.
Episode 72
Rich Germeau On Bigfoot Politics in Washington State Part 2
Today on Encounters USA Rich Germeau On Bigfoot Politics in Washington State Part 2. Encounters USA went to the Olympic Peninsula to speak with one of the first guests of our brand new podcast just over a year ago.
We will talk to Rich Germeau, former policeman, deputy sheriff and Bigfoot researcher and experiencer. In this first part, we will talk to Rich Germeau about the politics of Bigfoot, the Deep State and the corruption rampant in Washington State.
In the upcoming elections, Encounters USA host Matthew Heines is running as an Independent candidate in the 1st Congressional District of Washington State, which is the Bigfoot capitol of the United States as far as sightings and experiences.
Will Encounters USA and our search for truth help or hinder Matthew Heines in his election bid?
In the second half, we will talk about Seattle, the occupation of Capitol Hill and who is really pulling the strings.
Rich Germeau will talk about his police experience and comment on what he thinks happened the day a violent felon was killed for passing a counterfeit bill in a public execution. Was it the deep state?
Don’t miss a second of this amazing podcast.
Episode 73
Sasquatch Face to Face Incredible Bigfoot Encounters In One Book
Legendary Bigfoot researcher and author Thom Cantrall is on Encounters USA to talk about Sasquatch face to face incredible Bigfoot Encounters in one book. Of course, we couldn’t wait to get Thom face to face to tell us about it.
Today he came on a special joint Encounters USA/Books in Heinessight podcast and YouTube video presentation to discuss his book, the perils and pitfalls of publishing and life as it is today.
Thom’s book is available on Amazon and from his own website Join us for a show full of laughter and incites into the life of a renowned author.
Episode 74
Mars Base Are Americans & Aliens Working in the Same Place?
Today we ask the question Mars base are Americans & aliens working in the same place? This after an Israeli General came forward last Friday and announced the United States has a secret alien base underground on Mars which it operates with extraterrestrial aliens.
The Israeli General announced that Donald Trump knows about it and was told to keep quite.
On this Encounters USA podcast, we will examine the article and its validity.
We will then see how the information the space spy for Israel synchs with the information we have garnered from people like Richard Hoagland and remote viewers like Joe Macmoneagle and Courtney Brown’s Far Sight Institute.
What happened on Mars a million or so years ago and what are its implications for us? Our Israeli friend left us with more questions than answer on this episode of Encounters USA.
Episode 75
Space Force Guardians or Are They Really Space Bacon?
Today on the Encounters USA Blog – Space Force Guardians or are they really Space Bacon? On December 18, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence announced the name of the new U.S. Military’s Space Force is now officially – the Guardians.
Of course, the announcement led to more questions than answers. For those of you following the 100 + year cover up of the UFO and extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth question, the announcement led to even more questions and fewer answers.
In this short blog, I will try to provide at least some answers to the more obvious questions.
Cosmic Joke?
1) Is has the DOD found new funding in Marvel Comics and this either a joke or a Hollywood publicity stunt to promote a new Guardians of the Galaxy movie?
2) (Assuming the answer to number 1 in no) Guardians against whom or what?
3) Why now?
4) What is the mission of the Space Force?
5) Who will be a part of the Space Force?
6) Is there an imminent threat to the US or mankind from space?
7) What have Werner Von Braun and other NASA scientists warned about?
8) What will our alien friends have to say about all of this?
9) Will our Space Force members finds themselves as Space Bacon for a species of space reptilians?
10) Has the world taken another step in the Dance of the Eternally Retarded conducted by our pay-for-play politicians?
Episode 76
Skinwalker Ranch Portal to Bigfoot Aliens and Another World?
Is Skinwalker Ranch portal to Bigfoot Aliens and another world? What happened at Skinwalker Ranch and why was it important to the Navy and Aerospace Industrialist Mr. Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace?
On Encounters USA we invited three special guests to talk about:
- Skinwalker Ranch, consciousness
- Remote viewing and aliens
- The new United States Government change of heart toward disclosure.
Dr. Simeon Hein will join Bigfoot and UFO researchers Montra of Paranormal Journeys TV and Kyle Gibson to talk about their experiences at Skinwalker Ranch.
We will find out why the Navy was willing to spend 20 million dollars funding studies on paranormal activities that included the cattle ranch on the Uintah Basin in Utah.
We will also look into the broader question of the physics of remote viewing, the existence of dimensions and the extraterrestrial reaction to aliens. This is a Skinwalker Ranch and ufo podcast episode of Encounters USA you don’t want to miss.
Episode 77
Mars Alien Technology in the Antarctic and a Mysterious Secret Space Program
Tonight on Encounters USA Mars alien technology in the Antarctic and a mysterious Secret Space program.
We’re going to be talking with author Dr. Simeon Hein of the Mt. Baldy Institute and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot about Mars, Alien Technology in the Antarctic and a Mysterious secret space program.
It’s going to be my pleasure and honor to have master journalist, teacher and friend, Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot on my podcast once again.
Kerry is the legend and the driving force behind an entire movement of people whose knowledge about the secret government comes from what she has uncovered.
Episode 78
UFO Encounters in Egypt & ECETI Ranch is There a Connection?
Tonight on a Special Podcast interview we ask if Matthew Heines’ UFO Encounters in Egypt & ECETI Ranch is there a connection?
Podcast of Mystery Interviews Matthew Heines about Egypt and ECETI Jason Rigdon of the Podcast of Mystery interviewed Matthew Heines, host of the Encounters USA Podcast.
The subjects of the interview: a UFO Encounter in the Sinai desert and another at the ECETI Ranch.
The Sinai encounter involved Colombian Army forces and forces from Fiji and Norway. Matthew Heines was serving as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division at the time. Heines, along with a contingent of Americans participating in a military style decathlon had arrived in camp the day after the incident.
Encounter Documented by UN
The event was documented in a UN publication called The Sandpaper. Matthew Heines reads the original account and explains how the story was related to him. The Fijians who explained it were somewhat fearful of the UFO’s return.
Encounter 2 The ECETI Ranch South of Mt Adams lies the ECETI Ranch. After doing a story on the Maury Island UFO incident near Tacoma, Washington in 1947, Matthew Heines contacted Michael Hall.
A former Thurston County Judge, Michael Hall was head of the UFO iTeam and a Maury Island Expert. When The Paranormal Attorney, as Micheal Hall is known, explained to me he was at the ECETI Ranch to see UFO’s, I was on my way.
In this interview, you will hear about the Encounters in Egypt, the ECETI Ranch and near Mt. Adams first hand. Enjoy the show!
Encounter 2 The ECETI Ranch South of Mt Adams lies the ECETI Ranch. After doing a story on the Maury Island UFO incident near Tacoma, Washington in 1947, Matthew Heines contacted Michael Hall.
A former Thurston County Judge, Michael Hall was head of the UFO iTeam and a Maury Island Expert.
When The Paranormal Attorney, as Micheal Hall is known, explained to me he was at the ECETI Ranch to see UFO’s, I was on my way. In this interview, you will hear about the Encounters in Egypt, the ECETI Ranch and near Mt. Adams first hand. Enjoy the show!
Episode 79
Bigfoot Hunting 2021 Important Tips & Technology With Yahne & Strauss
Today on Encounters USA we discussed 2021 Bigfoot Hunting – Important Tips & Technology With Yahne & Strauss. Craig Yahne is a professional videographer and Lee Strauss is a paranormal researcher with more electronics than some small countries.

Between them they are going to use their superior technology for what Craig Yahne calls, “The Money Shot.”
During the podcast, Craig Yahne expressed his desire to take a photo that would conclusively prove the existence of Bigfoot. He wants to show that photo to a popular figure in the field of Bigfoot research. Can you guess who that might be?
Podcast/Merchandise Updates
Tomorrow, I’ll be interviewing Bigfoot William “Bill” Bisson & Researcher Amy Bue about the upcoming Bigfoot festival June 19- 20, 2021. The podcast will be uploaded Wednesday evening.
I’ll be interviewing Michael Wallace and Brent Dill about the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree sometime in March.
I’ll also be making an important announcement on the podcast about the Rich Germeau Lake Cushman Bigfoot sightings.

Finally, our new line of Encounters 2021 Signature Wear is out and I must say in all modesty, it looks great and it looks even better on you.
What happened to the UFO iTeam?
Of course, there were a lot of things we needed to discuss. It has been exactly one year since Lee and I joined Michael Hall in Ocean Shores. One year ago in March was the first annual Paranormal Academy Awards.
It was a wonderful event and I was able to interview some of the leaders in the field of paranormal research.
It was also the last time either I, Lee or Craig would work with the UFO iTeam. Listen to the podcast to find out what happened.
What is Ander and Lee on the Trail?

Since the Beatle-like break up of the UFO iTeam we wanted to find out if Lee was going to continue his paranormal research.
We also want to know what UFO portals Lee Strauss claims to have uncovered.
You will hear that incredible story when you listen to the podcast.
Craig Yahne Seahawk Cameraman and Professional Videographer

- Did Craig Yahne work as a cameraman for the Seattle Seahawks?
- Was Craig Yahne employed at the University of Washington?
- Is Craig Yahne one of the top rated tennis coaches in the US?
- Is Craig Yahne a top-rated Bigfoot researcher?
- Does Craig Yahne host Squatch Fest?
Sasquatch Valley

Craig’s area of research is a secret location known as Sasquatch Valley. With a name like Sasquatch Valley, we must wonder how long it will remain secret. However, the valley is one center of Craig Yahne’s research.
The other center is the impressive array of technology and equipment he and Lee Strauss bring to the their investigations.
2021 Bigfoot Hunting – Important Tips & Technology With Yahne & Strauss
After getting to know the ins and outs of Craig Yahne’s experiences and expertise it was to get what we really wanted; updates on equipment and technology in the search for the Dogman, UFOs and Bigfoot.

Naturally, no Bigfoot hunter worth his deer scent is going to go out without the best trail camera. During the podcast who recommends this trail camera? What has he captured?

One novel approach to their research is going to be the use of the forest canopy and devices like the Summit Tree Stand. Listen to the podcast to find out my ideal use for the Summit Tree Stand.
As we all know, if Bigfoot won’t come to you, you are gonna have to go to Bigfoot. Craig Yahne has that area covered as well with his new DJI Mavic 2 PRO Drone Quadcopter.

So, what if you happen to see Bigfoot while you are driving to the research area? Lee Strauss had the answer for that with this Dual Dash cam Front and Rear dash camera.

Both Lee and Craig Agree the best evidence is going to come from a video or a photograph .During the podcast Matthew Heines quotes another famous Matthew who says the evidence of Bigfoot, if it’s gonna come, will most likely come from a drone.
Can you guess who that famous Bigfoot researcher was?
Drones and FLIR Technology
But more than likely, it will be a drone armed with FLIR or forward looking radar that will be the first to successfully seek out Bigfoot, aliens or Dogman in the undergrowth where the may conceal themselves.
There are a few issues with FLIR technology. The first and most obvious being the expense of the FLIR added to the expense of the drone and the attachment that makes it all possible.
DJI Mavic Pro Gimbal Camera Assembly Authentic DJI Spare Part

In order to attach your FLIR you are going to have to shell out close to $300 just to attach it. I would wonder if duct tape wouldn’t accomplish the same purpose.
And so, I left out the price of this FLIR. If you want to see the price you will have to watch video, listen to the podcast or click this link.

Along with the amazing insights offered by Lee and Craig regarding the best equipment to use when hunting for the paranormal, we also learned much more.
Great Tips Great Quips
As you listen to the podcast or watch on YouTube will hear countless great tips from both Lee and Craig on how to use this equipment in the search for the paranormal.

As you were listening, Lee Strauss mentioned this Sionyx Camera. What is it? What does it do? How could it help you in your search for aliens Bigfoot or Dogman? Do you use any of this equipment? Do you have any more tips or tricks? Please leave them in the comments below.
It was a great podcast and it was a great honor to have a conversation with these two experts in the field. I hope you will take advantage of their knowledge.
Until next time,
Watch your back!
Alien Voices On The Telephone Gary Arnold On Encounters USA
First, someone is recording alien voices on a cheap telephone and it’s Gary Arnold on Encounters USA.
Second, for the full documentary, scroll to the bottom and click on the documentary thumbnail.
Subterranean Séance: The Evidence Speaks
According to Gary’s Website at
Oxford Pennsylvania filmmaker Gary Arnold describes his trailblazing documentary as only the first installment of his ongoing and groundbreaking investigation into the perplexingly strange fringe subject called – the Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP).
Using just a $5 old school Tracfone’s digital recorder, Arnold convincingly demonstrates his mindbogglingly bizarre interactions with disembodied whispers.
These peculiar whispers defy any rational explanation…
Not What I Had Expected
Unfortunately, when Gary Arnold inquired if I would be interested in his story, I had the luxury of one sentence to go on in order to make my decision.
For a number of reasons I was not enthusiastic about the interview.
As I said, I had little to go on and Gary’s Twitter name and the name Subterranean Séance sounded out of the realm of aliens, Bigfoot & Dogman.
As everyone knows, aliens, Bigfoot & Dogman is what we do at Encounters USA.
Even so, what do Gary’s somewhat creepy recordings have to do with our favorite subjects?
After all, a séance denotes the afterlife doesn’t it? Isn’t Gary just picking up electronic remnants of days of yesteryear left in the fabric of time?
For a number of reasons you’ll hear, the entities leaving messages on his recorder are not ghosts or spirits or discontented souls.
In addition, these entities are aliens in another realm with other entities like and unlike themselves.
Even so, you’ll discover when you listen to the interview or watch the podcast on YouTube that Gary’s story goes above and beyond most paranormal accounts.
In the first case, the amount of evidence is staggering.
However, not only is the evidence staggering, it appears to have been verified as authentic human voices.
There are a number of unique characteristics about these entities and the abilities they seem to possess.
There are a number of unique characteristics about these entities and the abilities they seem to possess.
Clearly, once you begin to listen to Gary’s story, you will soon understand why.
Documentary Information

According to Gary, his documentary contains a few of the thousands of these recordings he has managed to obtain.
Finally, Gary Arnold is being approached by mainstream media, as well as paranormal researchers like Josh Gates to tell his story.
However, you can say you saw Gary Arnold here first on Encounters USA.

For More Encounters USA Podcast Episodes
For Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 1 – 10
Click Here Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 11 – 20
Check Out Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 21 – 30
Don’t Miss Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 31 – 40
More Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 41 – 50
Watch These Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 51 – 60
Watch These Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 61 – 70
Check Out These Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 81 – 90

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.