Welcome to the Encounter USA Podcast Episodes 31-40
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Episode 31
The Roots of the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree Mystery
Getting to the roots of the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree Mystery is not what it seems.
First, is there a tree in the woods of Washington that could be the entranceway to a family of Bigfoot who live underground?
Starting with her father, Bigfoot Researcher Lori Simmons carried on a legacy of contact with Bigfoot.
That legacy centered upon a strange, twisted twin Douglas Fir that constantly dances in the wind to the tune of what some say is the Bigfoot family knocking. Others, like Brent Dill, say it is nothing more than a branch on a tree rubbing against its counterpart.
Others disagree and say terrible things about Brent Dill that left him in a real pickle. Today, we went to that tree and did a full interview in the midst of the high strangeness. If you love Bigfoot or the Northwest, you don’t want to miss this episode of Encounters USA, no matter what.
Episode 32
Nick Begich & Deborah Tavares On Space Weapons Mind Control & 5G Technology
Today we talked to Nick Begich & Deborah Tavares on space weapons mind control & 5G technology. It was a great discussion about space weapons, direct energy, population control, California PG&E and your imminent death. Unfortunately, even Dr. Nick Begich found the topics so hard to stomach he had to excuse himself from the podcast. Find out what Deborah Tavares was saying about you, your government and what you think is really going on.
In this podcast we will discuss the HAARP and its technology, space weapons, climate control, the California wildfires, depopulation and much, much more. You won’t want to miss a second!
Episode 33
UFOs Bigfoot Dogman A Concrete Out of This World Interview Texas Nuggets Radio
Undoubtedly today the podcast is a little different. I am the guest on the UFOs Bigfoot Dogman A Concrete Out of This World Interview Texas Nuggets Radio show. I joined Red out in rural Concrete, Washington, one of the hotspots of Bigfoot and UFO activity in the Cascades.
Initially, Red invited me on the show to talk about my experiences with Bigfoot, and some of my background knowledge regarding so-called conspiracies about aliens, Bigfoot and Dogman.
It was a great opportunity to talk about my experiences as a paranormal podcaster in the brief few months since I began encounters USA.
I was able to share some of the experiences I have had and some of the knowledge I have gained about aliens, bigfoot and UFO’s, as well as the people who research them.
Nonetheless, in a contest between who is the most interesting to study, I think that people who study aliens, Bigfoot and Dogman are often much more interesting than the topics they study.
Morevor, today on the show, I bring up a couple of examples of this interesting social phenomena and let the listener and viewer decided what it is the choose to think or even, believe.
Episode 34
Expert Bigfoot Researcher Jackie Tonks Talks About Harrowing Bigfoot Encounters in the USA
Expert Bigfoot Researcher Jackie Tonks talks about harrowing Bigfoot Encounters in the USA. She’s no Honky Tonks woman. Jackie Tonks is a psychologist and a Bigfoot researcher stationed in the United Kingdom.
Jack Tonks has done extensive work with Thom Cantrall, Adam Davies, Brent Dill, Peter Laws, Lori Simmons and a number of other prominent Bigfoot researchers in the US. Jackie has also had an exciting Bigfoot encounter in Northern California she is going to talk about on today’s podcast.
Along with her US studies, Jackie has also studied Bigfoot or Yeti in Russia as well as Nepal. We will talk about the Russian Bigfoot that mated with humans and had offspring. It is going to be a podcast you will not want to miss.
Episode 35
USS Nimitz & the Strange Catalina Island UFO Encounters
From the USS Nimitz & the strange Catalina Island UFO Encounters of 2004 and recent encounters in 2015, the public is well aware of programs the Navy has had hidden to investigate these phenomena at the same time it said it wasn’t. Now, the US Navy announces it has been searching for unidentified areal phenomenon for sometime. Why the sudden change of attitude? What is the Navy really trying to hide? In this video we take a look at some of the obvious questions and answers surrounding the Navy’s revelations and the reality of the Nimitz and other Encounters. We also look at some interesting patents that have been filed as of late and the bogus pilot conversations attached to the gun camera footage of the unidentified aircraft and see how they all fit together.
Episode 36
Skinwalker Ranch UFO Hot Spot & Portals to the Unknown
In this Encounters USA Skinwalker Ranch UFO hot spot & portals to the unknown podcast, we celebrate the coming of October and Halloween with an all Dogman month. What better way to celebrate the Dogman than to change its name to Wolfen?
Our drive continues to change the name as we visit Skinwalker Ranch. Thanks to the movie and the book, Hunt for the Skinwalker, by Colm Kelleher, George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell respectively, we have a better understanding of the Skinwalker Ranch and what is lurking there. We are going to go through all the major evidence and encounters and propose the most likely theories based on science, technology and the ideas of Albert Einstein.
Episode 37
Dogman Sighted in a Hit & Run Crossing Incident on Highway 2
Today we will look at a story of a Dogman sighted in hit & run crossing incident on Highway 2. When people think of the Pacific Northwest, they usually think Bigfoot, not Dogman, or Wolfen.
Whatever it was that ran in front of her car and forced her into the other lane, left one driver more Dazed and Confused than a Led Zeppelin reunion tour. On this podcast, we interview the legendary Eioen Stewart of the Washington Chapter, North American Dogman Association to talk about this encounter and the research the NADP is conducting in the Northwest.
It’s October and it’s another scary podcast on Encounters USA. Don’t miss the podcast or YouTube video presentation.
Episode 38
North American Dogman Project Head Joedy Cook On The Long History of The Dogman
Today on Encounters USA, the North American Dogman Project Head Joedy Cook on the long history of The Dogman. Joedy Cook is a 20 year veteran of the US Army and a former policeman. He is also the head of the largest Dogman research projects in the United States and the world.
He joined our podcast today to talk about a number of issues associated with the Dogman or Wolfen if the Encounters USA movement is successful. We will discuss Joedy Cook’s books, the history of the NADP and Jody’s background with the Dogman (Wolfen) growing up the midwestern US.
In the second half of the podcast, we will delve into the nature of the dogman. We will look at the history of encounters through various cultures, its association with Egypt, the Vikings and even Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. We will also talk about the Dogman as it is seen today in the wilds of the US, and countries around the world, to include battle zones in the Middle East. You won’t want to miss a second of this amazing podcast.
Episode 39
10 Scary Dogman Encounters For The Campfire
It’s Dogman month at Encounters USA and we are talking about 10 scary Dogman encounters for the campfire. We are also spearheading a movement to change the Dogman to Wolfen during this month.
In this podcast, we look at ten specific Dogman Encounters in order to get a better understanding of the Dogman, what it, where it’s from and will it have you for supper. If you are into the Dogman, or Wolfen, this is a podcast you won’t want to miss!
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Encounters USA Podcast Episodes 11-20 Click here
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Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.