Kerry Cassidy and Dr. Simeon Hein Talking About Mars, Alien Technology in the Antarctic, Americans and Aliens on Mars and the Secret Space Program.
Encounters USA and Kerry Casssidy’s Project Camelot: A Symbiotic Relationship
Some years ago, I rather nervously sent an email to Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. I had been a big fan of the show for a few years already by the time I got the courage to ask Kerry if she wished to interview me.
Of course, there were a few reasons I was nervous asking someone as famous as Kerry Cassidy if I could be on her show.
Some Reasons I Expected Never to Hear From Kerry Cassidy Again
- First, I wasn’t famous.
- Second, I wasn’t a whistle blower with a sensational story to tell.
- Third, although a veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division, I would hardly consider myself a super soldier.
- Finally, and here was the clincher, I petitioned Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot that she should interview me so I could talk about my book, Deceptions of the Ages: “Mormons” Freemasons and Extraterrestrials.

So, I sent the email off, hardly expecting to hear from the famous Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot again.
Surprisingly, I received a response a few days later, asking for a copy of my book.
Surprisingly, a few days after she received Deceptions of the Ages, Kerry Cassidy invited me to be on Project Camelot show.
When one day I decided I wanted to do a podcast on Aliens, Bigfoot and Dogman, Kerry was one of the first people who said yes to being interviewed on my show.
Without her support, I don’t think I would have been able to get famous paranormal researchers and experiencers to come on the podcast.

A Debt of Gratitude
Furthermore, Kerry is selling her own merchandise as well as her book Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the History of Humanity at projectcamelotportal.com.
Additionally, Kerry has agreed to let me sell I (heart) Kerry Cassidy with the Project Camelot link on Hoodies, T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Sweatshirts, phone cases, artwork and more.
Four Years Later
It is going to be my pleasure and honor to have the legend and the driving force behind an entire movement of people whose knowledge about the secret government comes from a master journalist, teacher and friend, Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot on my podcast once again.

It’s Not All About Kerry Cassidy – Meet the Brilliant Author Dr. Simeon Hein
Also joining us tonight will be Dr. Simeon Hein of the Mt. Baldy Institute. Professor Hein is a remote viewer and a sociologist who has published the brilliant works, Opening Minds A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles and Resonance and Black Swan Ghosts.
Because we cannot get confirmation of Mars, Alien Technology officially, we have to cheat a little bit through the use of Remote Viewing – and that is where Dr. Simeon Hein comes in.
The Farsight Institute and the History of the Solar System
Dr. Simeon Hein is going to explain his background at the Dr. Courtney Brown’s Farsight Institute, which is an offshoot of Major Ed Dames’ remote viewing program. It is the work of the Farsight Institute.
- In the first place, how does the Farsight Institute figure into our podcast?
- Moreover, Courtney Brown’s Farsight Institute has remote viewed a crashed alien craft in the Antarctic.
- In addition, The Farsight remote viewers have remote viewed Mars.
- Furthermore, the Pyramids have been remote viewed by The Farsight Institute.
- Lastly, Courtney Brown’s remote viewers viewed the destruction of Atlantis.
Questions for our Special Kerry Cassidy and Dr. Simeon Hein
In the first place, the Antarctic – is the Linda Moulton Howe (LMH) video Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice and her claims of Mars alien technology credible?
Equally important, has Dr. Hein ever remote viewed the anomalies in the Antarctic?
Similarly, has does he know anything about Linda Moulton Howe’s Antarctic Alien Building (Spartan 1 & 2) the Far Sight’s Crashed UFO? The entity at Lake Vlostok.
Equally important, can Kerry Cassidy tell us how the Secret Space Program and the Antarctic go together?
Likewise, does Corey Goode’s information synch with LMH video and the Farsight Institute findings?
In addition to the video, what happened to the Nazi base there?
Additionally, who attacked the British in 1946 and the US Expedition in 1947?
So, was it aliens, Germans, both or was it a hoax?

Americans on Mars
Next, we will ask Simeon to explain the finding of the remote viewers, Brown, MacMoneagle.
Then, we want to know, who’s on Mars now?
After that, we will ask Kerry Cassidy to talk about the Secret Space Program, William Thompkins, John Lear and others who have talked about a secret space fleet.
Moreover, if there is a Secret Space Fleet, which countries or civilizations are involved?
Lastly, we want to know about Mars, Alien Technology in the Antarctic and a Mysterious Secret Space Program

Galactic Federation
As a result, are we working with an alien civilization or a Galactic Federation?
If so, what is the significance of the Saturn and Vector symbol for companies contracted to work in space?
Startling Conclusions?
If you know the answers to any of these questions, you will definitely want to watch the video, listen to the podcast and of course, leave a comment and let Encounters USA know exactly what the deal really is.
Thanks for reading.
Stay safe on the trails.
As we always say,
Watch Your Back!

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.