My participation in the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival began rather surreptitiously one day last April. It was then that I received an inquiry of sorts from Marblemount Bigfoot Festival Organizer, Syvella Khalil.
Syvella was inquiring as to whether or not I had plans to attend the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival.
Metaline Falls? Where is Metaline Falls?
I had never heard of Metaline Falls. I had heard of Bigfoot however, as Bigfoot is the second element in my aliens, Bigfoot and Dogman podcast.
So, naturally, I said yes.
It was my agreement to attend the festival that opened up a world heretofore unknown to me. I am talking about the world of Eastern Washington Bigfoot.
Before the festival was over I would be exposed to a list of characters and events I would not soon forget.
There were people like festival organizer Bill Bisson, a community leader of the town of Metaline.
I would learn there is a Metaline and a Metaline Falls and that he was running for mayor of the latter.
That however, is another story.
Documentary For 2
When I left for Metaline Falls, it was my intention to film two documentaries.
But I would end up with more, a lot more than just outstanding footage and subjects.
I would find partners for a tour business I have always wanted to start.
Then, I would meet a Russian Bigfoot researcher and watch him turn a ten minute interview into an hour long discussion about everything but Bigfoot.
After that, I would interview all the Bigfoot personalities from Bob Gimlin and Ken Gerhard to Igor Burtsev and Tom Sewid.
All week, I would meet wonderful new friends.
For three days and nights I would camp in one of the most beautiful areas with a swimming/fish pond.
I would learn about betrayal and what it means to “follow the chopper.”
During the festival, a heat wave hit the state. Every day the temperature climbed into the one hundreds.
In spite of it all, the Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival was a huge success.
Bigfoot fans and lovers listened to their favorite speakers and researchers.
Vendors and the local community made record profits.
The actual turnout of the festival exceeded expectations by almost two thousand.
A Time For Community
In the end, I would see what it was for a small community to come together for the sake of keeping their community alive.
It was this spirit that I captured and am turning into a real live squatchumentary in 4K called The Metaline Falls Bigfoot Festival A Squatchumentary.
Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.
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